Looking for Land

I don’t often seek to communicate directly with visitors to this website.
But I am looking for land and need some help.

I truly love my little piece of heaven here at Pithole. But 3 acres is just too small. My neighboring property owners are good people but they are not looking to sell any of their land.
So I have decided to look elsewhere for more land. I have some savings and can spend about $40000 give or take maybe $20000 or so depending on the property.
I would like at least 10 acres, preferably much more. Mostly wooded but with at least a few acres tillable.  And it must be isolated.  Meaning nearest neighbor over 2 miles away and nearest town over 10 miles away.  The land needs to be suitable for living on permanently but rusticly.  Water needs to be available but sewage and electricity are optional.  I will be off grid as I am now.
At this point I am looking at places like West Virginia. Because it is beautiful and much like my current location and land can be had for $1000/acre or less.
Here in Pennsylvania land is way over-priced but I would happily remain here if I could find some good property at a good price.
I would consider other places such as Kentucky or Tennessee but not any further south. Also the northern Rockies would be great. Like Montana, Idaho or Wyoming.  But land out there is way too over-priced.
And finally New Hampshire or Maine.
So if any of you who have accidentally found this website and know of, or have, such land available please contact me. Either directly at hermit@pithole.com.   Or in the comments below.

I will ALWAYS keep my land open to anyone respecting my land.  Others can use my land to survive while passing through.  And I will never turn away a starving man or his family in temporary need.
-Edward Clark.

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