Monthly Archives: September 2016

Maybe they shouldn’t be so nonchalant

These deer sure didn’t care I was there.  And archery season opens Saturday.

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Old shelves gone

I removed the shelves. The OSB was in bad shape. But the yards of 1 x 4s and 2 x 4s will come in handy.

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Target shooting

Taking some time off while my daughter is back home visiting from Chicago.  Got to spend today target shooting with her.  We practiced with her Ruger .380 LCP and Kahr 9mm.  She also shot her bows and the Marlin .22. … Continue reading

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Wrapping up

With all due respect to DuPont Tyvek I have gone with Prime Wrap for 1/3 the price. Also got lots of insulating board from my Uncle Bob.

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Bugs and things better left outside

I used two cans of foam insulation and sealed any unwanted daylight leaking through.  Bugs, mice, moths and spiders have tried to make this their home.  Now that I’ve sealed it I also set off a bug bomb to get any … Continue reading

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Windows again

I finally removed the windows, caulked the seems and fastened them down permanently.  I think I might have overdone the caulking. Still some framing to do on the inside but I can do that with the windows in. And finally. … Continue reading

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Several improvement.  First off.  The well is working. I tried it many times and it only would drag the generator down.  Then my dad came out and I went to show him how it didn’t work.  Sure enough.  It worked. … Continue reading

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