Monthly Archives: June 2019

Off-grid Refrigeration – a cheap and effective way

Okay. I have finally decided to develop an improved refrigeration system. Here’s what I’ve been using up until now. Basically, it’s just a stock pot with a wet t-shirt thrown over it for evaporative cooling. And filled with well water, … Continue reading

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Public Land

Okay. I’ll get a little political here.  Trump opens 1.4 million federal acres to hunters, anglers. And this from the article: “eliminating 7,500 regulations limiting access.’ Yay! He’s the worst fascist ever. Look up the actual definition of fascist. (hint: … Continue reading

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Indian Cucumber

Just a couple hundred yards away I found a nice, big patch of Indian Cucumbers. The tiny roots are edible and taste somewhat like a cucumber. Or I compare it to the white part of a Day Lily or Cattail … Continue reading

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Fire Pit

I need a more convenient way to heat water for showers and laundry, and also to cook outdoors. I have started to piece together a fire pit. I’m sure the design will change a lot before I mortar it together.

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The Beaver Pond

I took Lily for a walk today down to a branch of Pithole Creek. It is the closest creek to my cabin, maybe 15 or 20 minute walk, but I have never been to this spot before. When we reached … Continue reading

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Plastic Siding

My plans for making siding boards for the shed fell through when I was unable to get the tools and the hand tools I have didn’t work well. Also, since my jeep’s suspension is pretty well shot I don’t want … Continue reading

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