For over a week now a little possum (about half grown) has been hanging out on my cabins porch. It is now dubbed Pocket.
The first night Lily suddenly woke and started growling at the window. I shined the flashlight out and there sat Pocket on the railing. It froze in the light. Now everyone’s heard of possums playing dead but this one was stuck on the rail and couldn’t curl up, so it just sat there. I kept the light on it and Lily barked but it didn’t move. I went out the door and threw a small stick at it. The stick hit the railing but the possum didn’t move. I went back to bed. In about 10 minutes I heard a thump and shined the light out. The possum had jumped down and was walking away.
The next night, once again Lily started growling. I shined the light and there was pocket right outside the window not a foot from where my pillow was. This time Lily didn’t bark. She just sniffed at it. Pocket again didn’t move. I think we were all getting used to each other. Grown possums are quite ugly but Pocket is kind if cute.
Last night I heard a rattling noise outside and again Lily growled. I shined the light out but couldn’t see anything. So I went outside. I hang my trash bag from a corner post of the porch. I shined the light on the bag and the bag wiggled. A closer look showed a possums tail sticking out of the top. Pocket had climbed the post and must have stuck it’s head in the bag and fallen in. Possums can hang by their tail so it was holding on to the top. After trying to figure out what to do without getting bit I cut the drawstring holding the bag up. The bag fell to the ground. It didn’t move so I figured Pocket was scared. So I went to bed. A few hours later it got light. I went outside and saw the bag on the ground. Pocket was still in it. It is a pretty thin bag so it should have been able to rip it’s way out. I picked up a bottom corner of the bag and dumped Pocket out. Pocket scurried away into the woods. It looked embarrassed.…