I’m sure my one reader (yes I’m sure there’s one out there and you know who you are) is wondering if I only care about the shed and forgot about the cabin. Well I’m back working on the cabin. The ceiling joists are too high and I am having to heat space I don’t use. Plus I want to start using the space for storage of items still back at the house. So I’m lowering the joists. Not as easy as it sounds because the joist are structural and keep the walls from bowing out and the roof collapsing. So I am putting extra side supports plus struts angled down. Here is one joist brought down. The struts are not yet in place and the king board needs extended.

Once all three are lowered and secured I’ll put ceiling panels up with access doors for storage. There should be a lot more space since I’m lowering over a foot. In fact if I need to put too much up there I may add some more joists for support.
Here are some of the panels temporarily in place. I am not sure if I want them above or below the joist. I like above because I could stain them and hang guns or lanterns from them.

Even with them above look at all the storage space up there.

I have decided to put in four more joists between the existing ones. More strength when I crawl up there and I may even want to have a small room there. The trouble is getting four 12 foot 2 x 6 boards home from the store.