Now I know my life has meaning…

Life is everything
It’s meant to be
For an answer
To the question
Who am I?
It’s true
It’s only natural
Good things
In life
Take a long time

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A Trapper’s Christmas Eve

The Hermit performs Robert W. Service’s A Trapper’s Christmas Eve on Christmas Eve in the bitter cold.

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I call it The Sand Wich Project

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Gardening, or is it farming?

Memorial day weekend so I decided to post photos of what I have planted so far.

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“March is a green, muddy month down below. Some folks like it. Farmers mostly.” -Bearclaw Chris Lapp

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Actual Huckleberries

As I mentioned in my previous post, I call huckleberries any small, wild blueberries.  Well, I decided to find out which ones actually are huckleberries.

In the large patch near me there are at least 3 different types of berries.  Two of them look like normal blueberries but grow on low bushes or high bushes.  Strangely enough these are called High Bush and Low Bush Blueberries. The 3rd one is a very high bush.  The berries are darker.  Almost black.  And shiny.  Blueberries have a dull coating on them.  And these berries don’t have as much of a “crown” on them, as I call it, like blueberries do.

Black Huckleberries

Black Huckleberries

These are Black Huckleberries.  They taste different, but good.  The seeds are harder.  They have what I consider an almost cherry taste.

Black Huckleberries at bottom left, and blueberries at top right

Blueberries (Low Bush)

In my several acre patch of berries, the Black Huckleberries appear to be the most abundant.  Maybe because they grow above the rest.  The blueberries are often hidden under the huckleberries.  Also the blueberries seem to ripen sooner than the huckleberries.  Although some berries from all are ripe at the same time.  At this writing many blueberries are almost done while most of the huckleberries are just ripening.

But that varies a lot with amount of sunlight.



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I’m Your Huckleberry!

These are huckleberries for as far as the eye can see.

The strange thing is that they are a wide assortment of types of blueberries.  Some huckleberries, some high bush, some low.  I use the generic term huckleberry for any wild, smaller blueberries.

Last year there wasn’t one berry.  This year they are loaded.  Now if I could just get some ripe ones before the bears strip them clean.  Bears don’t wait for them to ripen.

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Blood on the Plow

Crows ate most of the corn seeds I planted before they sprouted.   The rest they pulled out after they were growing.   So I have resorted to the black arts before I replant.

(Note: The scary breathing is just the way my normal breathing sounds on video.  Another reason I like being a hermit.)


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I Call It Macaroni

Lily found a dead turkey.

So I collected a few feathers.

I found a use for one.

I call it macaroni.

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Off-grid Electronics? An Arduino Rocket Controller

Today I will begin to show one of my many electronics projects.
A rocket which can read gyroscope, accelerometer and GPS inputs and correct accordingly.
At this time I am using an Arduino processor. I may switch to Raspberry Pi Pico if the Arduino is too slow.

But first. Yes I am familiar with electronics and computer controls. I worked on advanced weapons systems in the military directing gun and missile fire. And I have a degree in electronic and computer engineering.
Hermits aren’t born that way. We grow into it.
So I spend long winter nights, and various times in other seasons, doing some experiments with technology of various types.
So on to one of my current projects.

In this I am using an Arduino Nano, or maybe Uno, single board computer to take inputs from a GPS module, a Gyro/Accelerometer module and maybe several other components.
The Arduino will be programmed to use that information to control micro servo motors attached to the fins of a model rocket. The rocket I am using is a 3/7 scale replica of an AMRAAM AIM-120 missile.
No, I didn’t work on the AIM-120 while in the service. It is just an easy design to build.
My rocket has a 3 inch diameter when the AIM-120 is 7 inches. Mine is 5 feet long.
This is a full-size AIM-120 mounted on an F-16.

This is the current state of my rocket.
The tube on the right is for experiment with the servos.

I printed the servo bracket with a 3D printer.

Here is the bracket being printed.

The servos are SG-90 Micro Servos. They can connect directly to the Arduino..

This is the rocket motor I will use for testing. It is a G74-9W. It will lift the rocket but not very high. I will develop my own motor later.

And here is the current state of the fire control electronics.


Or I may replace the Arduino Nano with an Arduino Uno or Mega2560. The Uno has more hardware serial connections which are faster than software serial ports on the Nano. The Mega2560 would be the best but is larger.

And if that isn’t enough speed I will switch to Raspberry Pi Pico or Pi 4. But that requires a completely different type of programming.
At this point I am using the Arduino IDE for programming. It is a simple form of the C/C++ language. The Arduino IDE is also capable of programming Raspbery Pi Pico. Or I will most likely just use regular C++ with Visual Studio Code. It is looking like I will switch to RP2040 Pico.

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To design the 3D printed parts I use FreeCAD on Linux.
And for the rocket design I used OpenRocket for Linux.

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More updates to come. I plan on showing the program I am writing if it doesn’t get too boring.

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